Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hair Slips: Protective Styling......

Photo Source: Nikita of

Protective Styling is one of the big topics on a lot of the natural hair blogs and youtube channels I follow. I pretty much wear my hair in a protective style all the time...which is my sock bun. I decided to change it up today and did a side bang with my scarf and bun. I love this look. I was going to roll my bang under like hers but I decided against it. Here is my rendition of this style.

Protective styling is important for me and should be very important to other transitioners because it protects your relaxed hair especially if you are holding on to it for a while before you do your big chop. Protective styles can be buns, twist, braids, wrapped up in a scarf...whatever as long as your ends are tucked away and protected from the elements (wind, heat, dry air, etc.). They also help in retaining length and preventing lots of breakage. So, for the most part you'll see my hair like this most of the time...well different variations of this but I am watching videos and learning styles so ya'll might see something different in the future. Look forward to more protective styling tips.

Happy Transitioning!


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